Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dungeon Geomorph #2

I did a bit of experimenting on this one.  First off, I tried out Greywulf's sudoku dungeons guide.  It's definitely a good tool to jump start a stalled brain.

Next, I inked it before scanning it.  Before now I had just scanned the pencils and skreeked the contrast curves in the computer to make the blacks blacker, the whites whiter, and give it that lemony-fresh scent.  I guess it's OK but if I ink again perhaps I should get a finer pen and a little better quality of paper?

And as you can see, I followed Tim "Risus Monkey" Ballew's idea of writing words in a few of the rooms to serve as imagination fuel.  I just used the table from the sudoku dungeons post as the source 'cause I'm terribly lazy right now.

Something I need to avoid in the future is placing a secret door on the edge connections.  You're left with either half an "S" or an ugly white strip breaking up the fill pattern.  In any case, it's yuck.


  1. Love the words. Already that barricade suggests trying to keep whatever is in the fog from entering the rest of the dungeon. :)

  2. I considered drawing a barricade of table & chairs & junk against that door but decided it was easier to let the word itself do the same job.
